A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.
Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.
Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:Nate H Hunting bags and powder horns peter geysmans Hunting bags and powder horns Bob Browder Longhunter Leather Company Hunting bags and powder horns Joseph McClure Scaffold Cane Forge Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings Dawn Varner Longrifles, pistols and fowlers michael whitehouse Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Evan Granger Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Franklin Chambers Eastern Woodland living History Hunting bags and powder horns Scott and Cathy Sibley Hunting bags and powder horns Kade Skidmore Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Virgil Henle Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Jeff Talbert Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Ryan Cotton Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Richard H (Dick) Geyer Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Andy Wright General Artwork Adam Gwin Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Elizabeth Ashlee Scaffold Cane Forge Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings Joe Michael Longrifles, pistols and fowlers 114buzz@COMCAST.NET Mark Smith Frontier Provisions Longrifles, pistols and fowlers 145smith@comcast.net Barry "Buck" Conner Hunting bags and powder horns 1641hiverano@gmail.com TMHarrison General Artwork 1776harrison@gmail.com Terry M Harrison T. M. Harrison Longrifles, pistols and fowlers 1776harrison@gmail.com Kevin McDonald Painting and prints 17kjmcdonald37@gmail.com Christine Tolbert Once Upon A Loom Weaving 18thcenturyweaver@gmail.com Larry Stine Longrifles, pistols and fowlers 1903mannlicherschoenauer@gmail.com Ryan Klumb Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings 1937farmall@charter.net Dustin Hoppes BACK TO THE PRIMITIVE General Artwork 193hoppes@gmail.com Bob Dodson Hunting bags and powder horns 1968daytona@att.net Dennis Williams General Artwork 2rtists@gmail.com Kermit Boykin General Artwork 338shooter@skybest.com David Utz Three Valley Art, Antiques & Collectibles Hunting bags and powder horns 3valley@berkshire.rr.com David Utz Three Valley Art, Antiques & Collectibles Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings 3valley@berkshire.rr.com Dave Ohl General Artwork 62longhunter@gmail.com Karl Gibbs Abitibi Accoutrements Longrifles, pistols and fowlers abitibiaccoutrements@gmail.com Bob Brown General Artwork abrown1@naxs.net Benjamin Smith General Artwork acewashington66@yahoo.com August DellaGhelfa General Artwork action.signs@att.net Adam Gwin Adam Gwin Fine Furniture Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Adam@gwinfinefurniture.com Arthur Hermann General Artwork adherm134@yahoo.com October Country Muzzleloading General Artwork admin@octobercountry.com John Shorb Powder Horns and More, Inc. General Artwork admin@powderhornsandmore.com Roy Stroh Longrifles, pistols and fowlers admin@roystroh.com Alan Hoeweler Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings aeh@alum-ext.com Kent Smith Augusta Gunworks And Forge General Artwork ag_krsmith@yahoo.com Kent Smith Augusta Gunworks General Artwork ag_ksmith@yahoo.com John DeWald John DeWald, Horner and Scrimshander Hunting bags and powder horns Ahtuwisae@yahoo.com William Schneider SwampBuck Leather Hunting bags and powder horns airwolf54a@yahoo.com Art DeCamp Hunting bags and powder horns ajdecamp@verizon.net Judson Brennan Longrifles, pistols and fowlers akrider18@hotmail.com Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: