
Slit pouches by Julie Swartz


Added on: February 10, 2024

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Product Description

Two hand sewn slit pouches by Julie Swartz. Each pouch sold separate A, B. Each pouch is completely hand sewn using linen thread and is made from hand woven Virginia Cloth dyed in sumac by B & B Tart Reproductions (Great quality) Each pouch measures approx. 5″ wide by 15.5″ long. Pouch A features a hand embroidered Thistle, Pouch B features a Flower. The bottom of the pockets are doubled for strength.
Just the right size for your fire kit, pocket knife, compass etc.
Well made to last.
Shipping is $10 additional for the cont. US please.
Thank you for looking.

Doug Swartz

7674 N. DeWitt Rd

St. Johns, Michigan 48879

land line 989-224-2007 best time after 4:00 p.m.

email: djswartz@frontier.com