Artisan NameClay Smith
Artisan CategoryLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
Artisan Bio

I have been building 18th and 19th century guns since 1972. I started building in high school shop class (back when you could take guns to school). After high school, I continued building guns and managing restaurants. In 1980 I decided to become "self-unemployed" and start building full time. In 1988 an opening occured in the gunshop at Colonial Williamsburg for a summer interpreter which I was hired for. That winter I moved to the blacksmith shop at Williamsburg and was employed there for 2 1/2 years. An apprenticeship in the gunshop opened up and I transfered there in 1990. After a 7 year apprenticeship, I am now a journeyman there serving 20 to life with no chance for parole.
Update: In January, 2009, Colonial Williamsburg laid off 140 people including the 2 journeymen from the gunshop. I am now working full time at home building guns and accessories on custom order. Check out my website at:

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Address4560 Village Park Dr East
Williamsburg, VA 23185
United States of America
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