Artisan NameRoss J. Westgate
Artisan CategoryLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
Artisan Bio

Ross Westgate Black Powder Rifles

Born in 1950 in Pennsylvania, I had a keen interest in an original long rifle owned by my uncle. I???ve lived in rural southeastern Oregon most of my life and have been involved with black powder guns since the 1970???s. I began building early long rifles about eight years ago.

I build early flint long rifles with carving, wire inlay, etc. I prefer to put wooden patch boxes on my guns. Scrimshawed ivory inlays on the patch box, cheek piece and wrist are becoming a trademark of my rifles.
If I???m building a speculation gun to be offered up for sale, it will usually be a Buck???s Co. gun or early Lancaster piece.

I use only quality parts; generally, Chambers??? locks and Green Mountain barrels. Satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. I test fire every rifle I build to be sure it groups very well before it goes to the customer.

I hunt and compete with my guns at every opportunity and have put numerous deer, antelope and other game in the freezer. Myself and others have won several shooting awards at Pacific Primitive National Rendezvous with guns I???ve built.

I keep my prices reasonable and fair as over-charging only leaves guns unsold. My rifles are spread mostly around Oregon and California, but I have shipped to Montana and Oklahoma.
Contact me for an estimate if you are interested in a gun built to your specifications, rifle or pistol.

I???ve also been building custom powder horns for many years and do custom scrimshaw as well.

Visit my website for more info and photos -

You can view a recent demonstration video of my rifle building on - just Search for ???Ross Westgate???.

Ross J. Westgate
P.O. Box 47
Paisley, OR 97636


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AddressP.O. Box 47
802 Willow Street
Paisley, OR 97636
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