Artisan NameH. DeLea Sayers
CompanyThe Colonial Printer & Bookbindery
Artisan CategoryGeneral Artwork
Artisan Bio

???Journeyman of my Trade, Master of my Bindery.???

I am a trained restorationist of books from the 15th century to today???s books. After having studied for almost 15 years under two different Master Binders, I have worked as a professional binder for a great number of years. My work can be seen not only in the hands of many reenactors but also in national and state historic sites, major motion pictures and documentaries. Two of my more recent customers are Colonial Williamsburg and The Smithsonian Channel.

My skills extend beyond simply repair and restoration to taking modern books and rebinding them with 18th century techniques and materials. Please visit my website for further information;

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Address5501 Heathercrest Dr.
Arlington, TX 76018-2525
United States of America
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