Artisan NameJenn Weaver
Artisan CategoryWeaving
Artisan Bio

Jenn Weaver has been making basket for 30+ years, and she jumped into the reenactment world with both feet in 2022. She is now a full-time basket weaver and welcomes custom orders. Currently she is working with durable basket reed/rattan that she dyes and stains to resemble the ash, maple and oak materials of the 18th century. She is also working to add willow to her list of materials. The basket forms that she focuses on are those that were created and used in the everyday chores and events in and around 18th century homes. What she loves about historical basketry is that no matter what the occupation head of the household had, baskets were needed! Baskets were used to carry, store, organize, and display their tools, wares, and/or product. Baskets were also created with specific tasks in mind, with form following function. Everyone in the household used baskets: field work, food storage, raising and caring for farm animals, making clothing, organizing tools, foraging, hunting, and cooking. See more photos on her website,

CompanyWeaver's Nest
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Address5211 Goldersgreen Drive
Lafayette, IN 47905
United States
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Phone(765) 376-0668
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