Artisan NameJim Prusha
Artisan CategoryLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
Artisan Bio

Jim Prusha was born in 1961 in Owatonna, Minnesota. Shortly thereafter, his family returned to Green County, Tennessee. At the age of 9, his family returned to Minnesota.
At the age of 21, being unable to find a rifle that was a fit for him, he built his first flintlock. After purchasing a Green Mountain barrel and a Chambers lock, all other components were created by hand. He harvested the log for the stock and proceeded from there. Since that first rifle, he has continued to master his craft.
Now living in Viroqua, Wisconsin, he continues to create by hand all components of his rifles. Locks are generally purchased, although he has the ability to also hand forge a lock.
With 30 years of experience building custom fit and spec rifles and pistols,his work continues to be exceptional and highly regarded by all who see and/or own his work.

CompanyS and J Machine
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Address729 south washington ave
Viroqua, WI 54665
United States of America
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