Artisan NameSteve Lodding
Artisan CategoryLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
Artisan Bio

Born in Chicago in the 1950's Steve Lodding's love of frontier history and weaponry was developed during time spent with hi father and brother, travelling along the North Woods and Boundary Waters of Minnesota and Canada. He was intrigued by the stories of the early Frontiersmen. It was his godfather, Joe Tomanoe, a gun builder and blacksmith from Cicero, Illinois, who helped Steve build his first rifle from a kit.

Over the next several years of study and implementations, Steve became an expert in the production of powder horns and accoutrements. In 1979 he moved to Las Vegs, NV. with his brother and met Keith McClenahan with whom he bcame friends and later business partner.

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Address3624 mabel trail #95
caliente, NV 89008
United States of America
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